Archive for June, 2011


Willowmourn College

   Posted by: Galen Dilby    in Places

Willowmourn College

Willowmourn College

Named for an ancient willow tree which adorns its central courtyard, Willowmourn College is one of the oldest institutions in all of Aerda. The prestigious school was founded over 500 years ago, when Highmarket was but a small trade settlement on the edge of the wild.

A modest campus of buildings and towers sitting atop a small hill just outside the town of Five Points (the Wolds), Willowmourn is responsible for nurturing some of Aerda’s greatest thinkers. Nearly every monarch of the Wolds has graduated from its hallowed halls.

Ravensroost, the largest of Willowmourn’s towers, is home to a well-respected school of magic (and the only one in the Wolds).

Willowmourn’s library — known to students and faculty alike as “Scrollwarren” because its labyrinth of corridors, passages and small chambers resembles a rabbit warren (and because scrolls and tomes therein seem to proliferate like rabbits) — is one of the finest. The head librarian, a bookish gnome by the name of Parsifus Scribwhittle, runs a tight ship. The disorderly appearance of the library is only superficial. Master Scribwhittle seems preternaturally aware of every nook and cranny of his vaunted edifice. Not one scrap of vellum is placed upon another without his full knowledge, it seems. And dog-earing pages is strictly forbidden!

Visitors should be warned: any non-magical book or scroll which is brought into the library which not shown to be of a strictly personal nature, for which the library does not already have a copy, is confiscated until such time as its contents can be copied by a scribe in quickscript (an abbreviated form of writing used for purposes of rapid facsimile). This process usually does not take long (one day for every 20 or so pages of writing confiscated) and sources are treated respectfully and returned to their owners unscathed.




   Posted by: Galen Dilby    in Places

Royal Standard of Highmarket

Royal Standard of Highmarket

Places of Interest in Highmarket:

The Eyrie – Royal Palace

St. Ardwyn’s Abbey

Talongard – Fortress of Highmarket, built into the side of the Griffonpeak Spur.